Navigating the Transition to Corporate Consulting for Physicians

I recently wrapped up a case study with Physicians who told me they have to stick to charging $3,500 for their corporate wellness workshops.

They said it’s because they’re new to the game.

But when I hear about the wealth of medical knowledge and experience they have, I can't help but think they're selling themselves short.

Big time.

Companies today are in a bit of a bind.

They're losing productivity left and right thanks to a dip in employee health, and they're on the hunt for folks who can come in, get to the heart of the problem, and offer up real, workable solutions.

Sound like anyone you know? I'm looking at you.

You've got the medical chops to dive deep and figure out what's really going on health-wise in an organization. And you know how to tailor solutions that tackle everything from stress overload to burnout.

This expertise? It's gold, making you worth triple what any regular wellness coach might bring to a corporation.

But, I hear you have hesitations... Corporate wellness can feel like a giant leap from the healthcare system.

Maybe you think you lack "business experience" or are unsure how to package that level of expertise. I've been there, coaching doctors who felt just like you do now.

However, once we packaged them around a very specific message and started offering their services to companies, they saw how perfectly their skills aligned.

Here's what years of medical training have equipped you with:

  • A knack for diagnosing the real issues

  • Crystal-clear communication

  • Solutions that are backed by solid evidence

These are the exact ingredients companies are desperate for in their health and wellness initiatives right now.

Let's talk value for a second. Imagine Company X brings in a wellness coach. They might shell out a few grand for basic stress-busting workshops or nutrition tips. Nice, but pretty surface level.

Now, enter Dr. Z (yep, that's you), armed with a clinical toolkit ready to overhaul the company's well-being from the ground up.

As Dr. Z, you're doing way more than any wellness coach could:

  • Diagnosing the real reasons behind employee burn-out.

  • Highlighting key wellness areas to focus on.

  • Crafting personalized plans for each employee type.

A regular wellness coach cannot do this level of insight and customization.

You're diagnosing, treating, and tracking progress with unmatched precision.

Can a wellness coach pinpoint the top health issues based on real data? Or tailor programs to fit specific department needs?

Not likely.

That's the difference your medical expertise makes!!

Companies aren't just looking for band-aid solutions; they want deep, meaningful change, and that's where you come in.

You have a toolkit packed with the following:

  1. Diagnostic skills to target interventions with surgical precision

  2. Clinical know-how to craft bespoke wellness programs.

  3. A preventative approach for long-term health wins.

  4. Empathy in communication that draws people in and drives real engagement.

And that's just scratching the surface.

What you have in your Doctor’s toolkit alone will help you command $15,000 for a one-hour workshop.

So, doctors stepping into the corporate wellness arena, remember this:

It's not about learning new tricks but showcasing the incredible skills you've already honed.

The corporate world doesn't just need wellness coaches; it needs deep-dive experts like you, bringing knowledge, care, and evidence-based strategies to the table.

And your next role in impacting health on a massive scale might just be in the corporate wellness sector. 

Want to work with me to see what changes you can make to position your expertise to make an additional six figures per year from doing a small number of workshops and/or consulting engagements with corporations and organizations while working fewer hours?

This is what I do with clients in my 6-week intensive.

We also develop your buyer’s list (I find the first 50) of perfect-fit prospects to connect with and get specific on what industry/company type will need your help the most.

This includes understanding what department would be best to pitch your expertise to, and understanding the four categories of problems that corporates want to solve and which one best fits YOUR expertise.

Our goal is that when a potential client gets on a call with you, they're already sold on you as the go-to industry authority.

To get the best results from this program, you should:

1. Already be working with clients and getting them great results,

2. Be open to putting out content and recording videos.

3. Be open to charging more than $5000 for your workshops.

The investment is $9K - quite modest considering the hours involved, the skillset I've developed to identify opportunities with unparalleled speed, and the results that kind of precision can get.

If you only secure ONE workshop with corporates and organizations, it will take care of the ROI.

And, of course, the goal is for you to generate at least $100K from this system.

Past clients have added multiple six figures to their revenue and tripled their prices.

Please send me a DM on Facebook or LinkedIn or fill out the form on the Work with Me tab above.


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